Dr. Obeid Dental prosthodontist working

Implantes Dentales

Full Mouth Dental Implants

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Dr. Obeid Dental prosthodontist working on a patient
Servicios de Implantes Dentales

Las indicaciones de los implantes dentales pueden variar. Estos pueden incluir:

• Trauma: cualquier lesión en la cara puede provocar la pérdida de los dientes. Un simple traumatismo, como una caída o un accidente, puede provocar la pérdida inmediata de un diente.
• Caries o degradación: la degradación (también conocidas como caries) son la razón número uno de la pérdida de dientes y pueden ocurrir a cualquier edad. Si no se trata debajo de un empaste o corona existente, provocará que el diente falle y requerirá un implante.
• Fallo del conducto radicular: si no se trata, una infección causada por un fallo del conducto radicular puede provocar pérdida ósea, lo que complica cualquier futura colocación de implantes.
• Infección: una infección persistente comenzará a disolver el hueso que retiene el diente. Las causas más comunes de infección son la caries persistente, la enfermedad periodontal y los conductos radiculares fallidos.
• Dientes faltantes congénitamente: lo ideal es que todos los dientes de leche sean reemplazados por dientes permanentes fuertes. En los casos en los que esto no ocurre, un implante es el tratamiento de elección para sustituir el diente faltante.
• Coronas y restauraciones dentales defectuosas: todas las restauraciones tienen una vida útil inherente. Pueden producirse caries o caries debajo de la restauración y provocar una infección. Es posible que se necesite un implante y que resulte en una extracción.
• Diente o dientes previamente extraídos: existen muchas razones por las que un paciente puede haber retrasado el reemplazo de los dientes extraídos o faltantes. Incluso después de muchos años, todavía se pueden colocar implantes.

Antes y después de implantes dentales
Before Dental Implants
After Dental Implants
before dental implants
After Dental Implants

Rehabilitación de implantes de boca completa con 6 implantes en

la mandibula superior, 5 implantes en la inferior.

Rehabilitación de implantes de boca completa con 6 implantes en la mandibula superior, 5 implantes en la inferior.
Rehabilitación de implantes de boca completa con 8 implantes en la mandibula superior, 6 implantes en la inferior.

Rehabilitación de implantes de boca completa con 8 implantes en

la mandibula superior, 6 implantes en la inferior.

Reemplazo de dientes perdidos con implantes dentales.

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Dental Implants FAQs

Implantes Dentales


Dental implants are a tooth replacement option. To understand what an implant it helps to
think of the dental implant in its three distinct parts:

  1. The dental implant body that is inserted into the bone of the jaw. The dental implant body is usually screw
    like and is made of either pure titanium, a titanium alloy or zirconia, which is all ceramic. The implant body
    typically is hollow in the middle, which helps retain the future crown that will be paired with it.
  2. The fabricated crown that will act as a replacement for the tooth. The crown can be made of metal, porcelain
    fused to metal, or all ceramic.
  3. The abutment, an intermediate piece that connects the crown to the implant. The abutment is a customizable
    piece that can be made of titanium, gold alloy, or a combination of titanium and all ceramic crown.

As with any surgery, you should expect some amount of discomfort immediately following the dental implant placement. This ranges from mild to moderate in most cases and many patients easily regulate their pain with over the counter pain relievers such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen (Tylenol or Advil). If needed we can prescribe a stronger pain medication.

After the dental implant is placed, 2-3 months is needed to allow the bone to heal around the implant. Once healed, the dental implant is ready for placement of the final restoration.
At Obeid Dental we understand that patients do not want to have the appearance of missing teeth! We will fabricate a temporary device to replace the missing tooth before you leave the office. We prefer a fixed temporary or if possible, a removable device. In some cases we can use the implant to immediate place a temporary device and this procedure is called ‘Teeth in A Day’.
Your dental maintenance schedule should not need to be changed once you have the dental implant. Like your regular teeth, the areas around the implant will need to be cleaned. Implants can develop periodontal disease, gradual bone loss and infection or develop space with the other teeth if not maintained. There are treatments available for these of these complications but regular checks with your provider help avoid them.
For longevity, it’s important to think of the dental implant as two separate parts. As with any the implant or the can fail completely or partially. The restoration, whether a crown or even denture, can fracture. In these instances, a new restoration can be fabricated and placed on the existing dental implant body. If there is an issue with the implant body itself, such as an implant infection, implant fracture or implant rejection, the dental implant surgery process must be done again. At Obeid Dental our 20 year success rate is 95% for both dental implants and restorations.
You can be too young for dental implants, but you can’t be too old!

The bones of your jaw need stimulation to retain their size and shape. The bone of your
jaw gets this from adhering to the roots of your natural tooth. When a tooth or multiple
teeth are lost, the bone tissue of the jaw begins slowly disappearing around that area.
Over time this can alter the shape of the jaw and the fit of the dentures. An implant
replicates the roots of your teeth and maintains facial structure. Implants help maintain the
bone value, add to the the stability of dentures and provide a non removable option – fixed

Your final restoration will mimic your natural teeth and most patients report significant
improvement with their eating, especially the types of foods that can be consumed with
their implant restorations

People lose teeth for a variety of reasons. Once the tooth is removed from your jaw, the bone beneath it is no longer stimulated and begins to reabsorb. If too much time was allowed before replacing the available bone may be insufficient for the implant placement and you may require a bone graft to stabilize the implant.

As with any surgery, you should expect some amount of discomfort immediately following the dental implant placement. This ranges from mild to moderate in most cases and many patients easily regulate their pain with over the counter pain relievers such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen (Tylenol or Advil). If needed we can prescribe a stronger pain medication.

Dental implants can seems like a pricey venture but are usually more economical in the long term because of their longevity. Other tooth replacement options such as a bridge or dentures will often need maintenance or replacement multiple times and ultimately these options lead to bone loss.
Obeid Dental is a fee for service practice. We are considered an out of network specialist provider for insurance carriers. We will submit for any dental procedures to your carrier and the company will reimburse you directly based on their fee schedule and your annual member benefits. For more information about Dental Implants or to schedule a consultation with Dr. Obeid, call our office in Chevy Chase, MD at Obeid Dental Chevy Chase Phone Number 301- 652-9505.