dental crowns

Dental Crowns

Full Mouth Reconstruction

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Dental Crown Services

In general, the term ‘crown’ means a full coverage restoration. The roots of your tooth remain intact as well as some tooth structure above the gumline. The finished restoration is cemented to this remaining tooth structure, encircling the tooth a full 360 degrees.
Crowns usually require two appointments.

The first is to prepare the affected tooth, make an impression and place a temporary crown. The second appointment is then needed to cement and deliver the crown. The extent of tooth preparation will depend on the extent of damage to the tooth and the type of crown material. In some cases a ‘core build up’ is needed. This ensures that the final restoration will be have the necessary surface area for full adhesion. After tooth preparation, a digital impression is made so that the restoration can be fabricated to fit the remaining tooth. This can be either an all ceramic crown or a conventional crown. Before leaving the office, the patient is fitted with a temporary crown. The crown is then fabricated by our in-house laboratory and cemented at the second visit.

Dental Crowns Before & After
beautiful woman with Dental Crowns
woman happy with Dental Crowns
Dental Crowns close up
Dental Crowns
Replacing old ugly crowns with new all ceramic crowns
Smile makeover with 14 dental all ceramic crowns
Smile makeover for extremely dark and short teeth with all ceramic crowns
Smile Makeover with 8 all ceramic crowns

Treating trauma or fracture front teeth with two all

ceramic crowns

Dental Crowns Videos
Dr. Obeid on Dental Crowns
Obeid Dental Reviews
Dental Crowns FAQs
Dental Crowns

There are many reasons a patient may require a crown. The most common include:

  • Large cavity
  • Broken filling
  • Post-root canal restoration
  • Trauma
  • Tooth is worn down by grinding
Crowns usually require two appointments. The first is to prepare the affected tooth, make an impression and insert a temporary crown. The second is usually a few days later cement the crown. finished crown. (We are working on a same day crown, but the quality is not there yet.) The degree of preparation will vary based on the extent of damage to the tooth. In some cases, materials must be added to the existing (above-gumline) in a procedure called a ‘core build up’. This ensures that the final restoration will be have the necessary surface area for full adhesion. After tooth preparation, a dental impression is made so that the restoration can be fabricated to fit the remaining tooth.

Not all damaged teeth require a crown. In some cases, a crown is an aggressive form of
treatment. In these cases, a more conservative approach such as an Inlay or Onlay, which
do not require removal of healthy tooth structure may be possible. Dr. Obeid will review
and explain all the alternatives that are available during your treatment planning.

There are many factors that determine the cost of a crown, and these vary greatly by individual. After your initial consultation, Dr. Obeid will discuss the different cost options to you as part of your treatment plan.
The 3 most commonly used crowns are made of either porcelain fused to metal, all metal or all ceramic.

A temporary, fixed crown that maintains visual aesthetics will be fitted into the space at the
conclusion of the initial crown prep visit.

Each crown from Obeid Dental is customized to ensure that it will fit, feel and look like your other teeth.

The longevity of a crown depends on several factors:

  • The quality of the initial dental work
  • How much tooth structure is left for the crown to adhere
  • Your general home dental regimen and maintaining regular dental hygiene


At some point, all crowns will need to be replaced.

Obeid Dental is a fee for service practice. We are considered an out of network specialist provider for insurance carriers. We will submit for any dental procedures to your carrier and the company will reimburse you directly for based on their fee schedule and your annual member benefits.